In case you haven't noticed, education in this country is under attack. We are constantly being bombarded with data and statistics showing how far we are falling behind other industrialized nations in every area. Standardized testing is evil and taking over our schools. The majority of high school graduates are apparently not ready to attend a four year college, if they can even go as affording the tuition even at state schools is preclusive these days. The drop out rate for high school students is at an all-time high as is the number of students being home schooled because parents are dissatisfied with their local schools. There is a lot of finger pointing as to who and what is to blame for the apparent failure of our public schools but what is being done to fix them?
Many states are pushing for more charter schools and voucher programs to allow families in areas with failing schools to send their kids to private schools. The problem is that charter schools are by their nature inconsistent in quality and performance and private schools are unregulated and unaccountable. Plus, neither option addresses the issue of fixing our public education system.
I don't know what the solution is but I do know that we aren't going to find one unless and until parents get off the sidelines and get in the fight. We need to let our local state and federal representatives know what we expect for our children. There is nothing more important than protecting the future of our children. And there is nothing that will ensure a bright future more than a great education.
If your children are struggling, demand more support and assistance. If your child is disabled, demand accommodations and adaptations that meet his/her specific needs. If your children are performing at an average level, demand above average performance. If your children perform above average, demand the bar be set higher to challenge them. If we as parents choose to sit back and do nothing and allow others to decide what is best for our children, we have only ourselves to blame for the results.
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